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Path that Distinguishes Us

Imagine an organization where associates are treated with respect, where performance is recognized and rewarded and where one´s ideas and recommendations for improvement are valued and considered, and you will have a clearer picture of the corporate culture permeating R2 Communications Group.


Founded in 1992 with the cool, high technology cabling skills of Ruben Rodriguez and the warm, heartfelt administrative skills of his wife and partner, Ileana Rivera, R2 Communications Group, is a careful blend of these two complementary aspects.


The timing for the founding of the company couldn’t have been better. The internet was transcending the domain of the military and joining the rank of the general population; information technology was starting to deliver on its promise of increasing productivity; the work of work and organizations was evolving from the industrial age to the age of networks.

As of today, R2 Communications Group has enjoyed phenomenal success and growth, due to its single-minded commitment to quality work, client service and inner cohesion.  Concerted efforts in favor of the community in which the company operates and a genuine dedication to the promotion and development of the cable industry and the professionals who work in it, round out the company picture.


With the foundation in place, the invitation is out for building an even greater future for all.

The cabling infrastructure: your foundation for growth in the networked economy

Managers everywhere are realizing that the stability and reliability of their communications network depend on the quality of the cabling infrastructure.


When the cabling foundation is good, up to 50% of all network related problems can be prevented; present and future productivity and growth can be sustained.


Therefore, if you are considering an investment in a communications network, we urge you to get in touch with R2 Communications Group, beforehand because our company can provide the solid data base of expertise and connectivity advice that you will need up front, to build a high-performance communications structure.


On these pages you will find ideas and information that provide a clearer, more integrated image of the high technology cabling industry, the R2 mission, services and other relevant data, and, most importantly, about how it all spells benefit for you and your organization.


In today´s increasingly connected word, R2 could be the resource you need to stay productive.

Our Vision

Be the leading company that provides the best services for telecommunications networks that offers integral solutions that optimizes the efficiency, reliability and data transmission for our clients.

Our Mission

To contribute to our client´s present and future productivity and growth, by providing top quality, integrated network services for their telecommunications needs.

Our Values

  • To provide the best solution at the right market price.

  • To meet the client’s needs according to their expectations.

  • To complete our projects and services on time as agreed.

  • To respect our clients, strategic partners, work team and collaborators.

Key Benefits

  • Optimize the efficiency, reliability and data transmission rates of your network.

  • Minimize network downtime and the lost revenue resulting from it.

  • Accommodate today´s and tomorrow bandwidth and technologies.

  • Achieve an easy to manage network.

  • Obtain all the products and cabling solutions, under one roof.

  • Obtain personalized services and a dedicated team of professionals that respond quickly to your needs.

Our Vision & Mision
Our Mision
Our Values
Key Benefits
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